We create, totally custom
premium Merchandise
for US Colleges, Sports Teams
& Clubs 🇺🇸

We create, totally custom
premium Merchandise
for US Colleges, Sports Teams
& Clubs 🇺🇸

We create, totally custom
premium Merchandise
for US Colleges, Sports Teams
& Clubs 🇺🇸

We create any item of clothing - and you can completely customise it to suit your team, house or university.

Min order qty of 10 units.

Mountains with clouds on top of them

what is "stash"

Items of clothing, usually aquired whilst at University, baring the name of a club to which the wearer belongs and usually a obscure nickname picked up in Freshers' Week. Every club or team likes to believe that they have the best stash. Highly desirable at universities like Durham, UK

Mountains with clouds on top of them

what is

Items of clothing, usually aquired whilst at University, baring the name of a club to which the wearer belongs and usually a obscure nickname picked up in Freshers' Week. Every club or team likes to believe that they have the best stash. Highly desirable at universities like Durham, UK

Designs to 🇺🇸 Delivery in 4 weeks.

From idea to real thing - to get your designs send us an enquiry today.

Endless Possibilities..

Q-Zips to Puffer Jackets, Joggers to Polo Shirts.
We are fundamentally a fashion brand but chose to

We have worked with 100's of US Universities to create premium clothing that people actually want to wear.

We have worked with 100's of US Universities to create premium clothing that people actually want to wear.

Customise each part of your designs, from colours to logo placements - work with our designer to get them on the money.

Trusted by

Societies & Clubs from all these Universities.

Get your free designs directly
to your inbox in 1 hour 🇺🇸

Get your free designs directly
to your inbox in 1 hour 🇺🇸